Water is one of the most naturally destructive forces on Earth. It can leak into your home and cause thousands of dollars in loss. Thankfully, with the correct information, you can recognize and repair water damage quickly.
The first step in preventing water damage to your house is identifying where and how severe it is. The key signs of a potential leak are smells, damp spots, and flooding. To properly determine the source of a water problem, you will need proper tools for the job, like a moisture meter or infrared camera.

Common signs of water damage in your home

Water damage can be difficult to detect, but there are some signs you can look for that indicate you may need to get your home inspected. Most often, water damage begins with a leak or rush from a broken pipe or flood. When this happens, it’s not always clear at first that there’s been any damage done.

Moldy or musty smells

Mold and mildew can grow on just about anything organic including wood, paper, and carpet. If you notice a musty smell in various rooms of your home, then chances are there’s a leaky pipe somewhere in the walls or ceiling.

Dark or yellow spots on the ceiling or walls

Dark spots are typically caused by mold and mildew, which can grow quickly in damp environments such as bathrooms and laundry rooms. If you see these black spots on your ceiling and walls, then it’s probably time to call a professional contractor who can help fix the problem before it gets worse

Visible water dripping

If you notice water dripping down from overhead fixtures, ceilings, and even light switches, it could be an indication of a leaky roof. If you see water dripping from ceilings and walls, it could mean that there are leaks somewhere in your home’s plumbing system.

Finding the source of the leak

In some cases, finding your leak will be straightforward: if you can see the plumbing or fixture the water is coming from, it will be easier to diagnose the problem. However, if you can’t see it, then it may be more beneficial for you to hire a professional company that specializes in finding leaks and determining what needs to be done in order to fix them.

Drying out damaged areas

The first step is to remove as much of the excess water as possible from the damaged area as quickly as possible. Use towels or rags to soak up any standing water. Blot rather than wipe, since this will help keep the carpeting from rubbing against itself and creating more damage.

Once you’ve soaked up as much of the water as possible, remove any wet carpets or rugs from the room. Use fans or dehumidifiers to remove moisture from your home. This will help prevent mold growth while they work on restoring your plumbing system.

Mold growth can cause health problems such as asthma attacks and respiratory problems if exposed too often in large quantities; thus, it should be remedied quickly by removing all items that may be contaminated by mold spores before cleaning them thoroughly with bleach-based cleaners (do not use vinegar!).

Emergency tips and tricks for water damage

If you have a flood in your home or business, the first thing you need to do is stop the source of the water. If this isn’t possible (for example, if there’s a broken pipe), then turn off all the electricity in your home or business and call an emergency plumber immediately. Don’t use any electrical appliances or light switches until you’ve been given the all-clear from your plumber.

If possible, take photos of the damage before cleaning up too much so that you have documentation for insurance purposes later on. Remove clothing and other fabrics from the affected area. Mold spores can cling to these materials, which means they could spread throughout your home if left unchecked.

Water damage is a serious issue that you shouldn’t take lightly. The more that you know about water damage in general, the better you can prepare yourself for it and deal with it when necessary. Contact Inspector West for a full and Comprehensive inspection and report covering moisture issues and many more to assist you in maintaining your home

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